Un-heated, un-filtered honey, with all of the enzymes intact; this honey is a medical marvel as well as a culinary delight. Totally Raw honey is simply spun out of the honeycomb and allowed to crystallize naturally. May be used for all honey needs or as a sugar substitute. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Pure Spring Honey. Pale and delicate in flavor with a full body and nice finish. This honey is derived from the spring flush of the Tulip Poplar tree, Black Locust, fruit bloom and Clover Blossoms. Ideal for sweetening tea. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Full season light amber honey blend. Our own blend of spring honey with a splash of fall wildflower, this honey has nectar the bees have gathered from throughout the year. Well suited for baking. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Amber Honey. The fall season offers to the bees a medley of floral sources including Asters, Goldenrod and Japanese Knotweed; from which this dark, rich and smoky honey is gathered. Particularly good on pancakes. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Dark amber Honey. This distinctive honey, with its robust and hearty flavor, comes from stands of pure buckwheat grain, a rarity in itself. A nice topping on sweet potatoes, winter squash or whisked into a stir-fry; also a garnish to your favorite dessert. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Our light Spring Golden Nectar Honey flavored with natural raspberry extracts and concentrates. This Honey is perfectly suited for tea, as well as applicable for all and any of your honey needs. Often used for making a sweet melomal – a mead style libation of honey, water, and fruit. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
Our light Spring Golden Nectar Honey flavored with natural blueberry extracts and concentrates. This Honey is perfectly suited for tea, as well as applicable for all and any of your honey needs. Often used for making a sweet melomal – a mead style libation of honey, water, and fruit. Our Hexagonal jars hold 14 ounces or 7/8 pound of honey.
A fiendish blend of hot pepper honey and garlic honey!
The spicy honey was designed with cooking in mind.
Our Mountain Crème Honey has tight small crystals with a creamy texture for spreading. It is to be stored at room temperature.
Our Mountain Crème Honey with natural raspberry extract has tight small crystals with a creamy texture for spreading. It is to be stored at room temperature.
Our Mountain Crème Honey with natural blueberry extract has tight small crystals with a creamy texture for spreading. It is to be stored at room temperature.
A gift set of three of our pure honeys in decorative hexagonal jars; Golden Nectar honey, Black & Gold honey, and Fall Wildflower honey.
Custom build your own 3 pack of gourmet honeys from our selection of 14 varieties. Imagine, if you will, giving, even to thyself, a collection of Swarmbustin's finest honeys, packaged in vessels befitting for the most prominent guests, during a revered Black Tea and Scone Hour... Or Whatever... Please note: All of our Hexagonal jars are available in this custom made gift package