Human Beings, Honey Bees, and animals alike can benefit from eating Fresh Bee Pollen. Many physicians and scientists have described it as a perfect food and a natural energizer. Bee Pollen is a storehouse of protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
It is a 30% protein food, contains 18 amino acids, as well as notable amounts of Vitamin A, C, D, & E, and is also a superb source of the entire B vitamin complex.
Modern medicine has rediscovered the benefits of bee pollen for sufferers of allergies. Ingesting small amounts of bee pollen daily and building a natural immunity has successfully treated allergy symptoms as well as hay fever, asthma, sinus conditions, and bronchitis.
Please visit our about Fresh Bee Pollen page to read more about one of the worlds most amazing foods.
Very few people are allergic to bee pollen. Therefore, it is suggested that people start taking small amounts of bee pollen and gradually increase the amount until they are taking 2 tablespoons daily. If slight allergic symptoms occur, temporarily decrease the amount taken, Soon the symptoms will disappear. However as with all new foods that you may sample, consult a physician if severe symptoms occur.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease;
Swarmbustin Honey is pleased to offer two types of Fresh Bee Pollen!!
Light Spring-Harvested Bee Pollen: This pollen is a great reducer of the symptoms of springtime allergies! Bee Pollen collected in springtime tends to bee brighter in color, and perhaps a little sweeter (to some). The main floral sources contributing to spring pollen collection are Dandelion, Wild Mustard, Black Locust, fruit bloom, bramble berries, wild flowers, and Clover Blossoms (as in our Golden Nectar Flavored Honey).
Dark Summer & Fall-Harvested Bee Pollen: Darker in color than the May harvested bee pollen, this pollen has the added nutritional value of the Propolis being brought in simultaneously with the pollen by the bees, as the girls are already getting ready for winter. This pollen is also a great reducer of the symptoms of allergies.