Welcome to Honey 911 - Home of Swarmbustin' Honey
Swarmbustin’ Honey is a family run operation dedicated to our Beeloved Honey Bees. We are located near Chatham in Chester County, PA. Collectively, my sons Abram, Luke, Jeb, and I have in excess of ten decades of beeing with the bees. The Bustin’ of Swarms is a passion shared by all of us here at the Bee Farm. We have tales for days, with each adventure presenting interesting challenges.

All of our Honey is Raw. Our Golden Nectar, Black & Gold, Fall Wildflower, and Buckwheat are four shades of pure honey that represent the distinctive honey flavors made possible by the diversity of seasonal floral sources available to the honeybees. Our Totally Raw
is just that, with no Heating or Straining at all.

Besides our Raw Honey, Swarmbustin’ Honey is proud to offer fresh bee pollen.

Product Categories:

Fresh Bee Pollen Totally Raw Honey Pint & Quarts of Honey
Hexagonal Jars of Honey Honey Bears Mountain Creme Honey
Spicy Honey Berry Honey Bulk Honey
Comb Honey Propolis Royal Jelly
Beeswax Wraps Beeswax & Candles Honey Vinegar
Gift Sets Apparel Honey Sticks & Candy
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Featured Products:

Dark Summer & Fall Bee Pollen by the Pound Totally Raw Honey - 1.5 lb. Pint
Dark Summer and Fall Harvested Bee Pollen by the LB
Un-heated, un-filtered honey, with all of the enzymes intact; this honey is a medical marvel as well as a culinary delight. Totally Raw honey is simply spun out of the honeycomb and allowed to crystallize naturally. May be used for all honey needs or as a sugar substitute. One pint is 1.5 pounds or 24 ounces.